Monday, October 14, 2013

Preschool Week 6- Thanksgiving and Fall

Preschool Week 6- Thanksgiving and Fall
 This week we took a break from our regular stuff and did only fall and Thanksgiving activities.  They loved it. Lots of the activities we did I actually prepared last year and kept them to do over again. 

Thanksgiving Tree: 
The last couple of years we have made Thanksgiving Trees right before Thanksgiving.  This year was no exception.  Our "trees" look different every year (2011, 2012) but the one thing they all have in common is that we take the time to record what we are thankful for on the leaves of the tree.  
The inspiration for Hannah and Ethan's Thanksgiving trees came from 1+1+1=1.

They used their dot markers to decorate.  We started out using white glue but it just wasn't working so we switched to hot glue which worked so much better for gluing the leaves to the tree trunk.

 We made also made thanksgiving books.  

I printed out this page.  Added a cover and an extra page inside for Hannah and Ethan to draw something that they are thankful for on their own.  I did this activities
 in addition to our thanksgiving trees in order to consider not only what we are thankful for but to whom we are thankful.
Putting the pages together

Hannah was thankful for the sun.

Ethan was thankful for pencils and crayons.

Fall activities: I printed out a fall math packet by Teaching Mama.  I printed out one set and divided the sheets between Hannah and Ethan.  These were a HUGE success.  I think that it was largely do to the dot markers but also to the variety in the pack

Ethan counting and dotting the right number.

Hannah is dotting the object that is different in each line.
We did more than the above so check out the link it was really good.

Sorting the pumpkins from one to twelve. (You can fins the cards here)

Sorting pumpkins from 1 to 6.

Fall Play dough: 
We made fall colored play dough.  Each color had a different pumpkin pie spice added to it. I think they all smelled awful except the cinnamon, but that's probably just me since my nose has been extra sensitive.

Hannah making pie.

Ethan making.....I really don't know....crumbly dough bits.

With some of the play dough that got all mixed together we made play dough beads that then dried out in the oven.  Afterwards, Hannah made a necklace and Ethan strung 3 beads and called it a day.

Here is Hannah's finished necklace.

We did some experiments with cranberries.

Comparing cranberries, grapes, and cherry tomatoes.

Hannah and Ethan guessed which would float and which would sink.  The cranberries float the others sink.

We cut them open and discovered that the cranberries have air pockets in them.

Finally we added some cranberries to some boiling water and watched them pop open and release the air inside.

Random Fall activities:
We did these throughout the week.  Ethan is a bit like a bull in a china shop and plows through the activities with reckless abandon.  Seriously, by watching him you would think he is being timed.   You can find all the links and ideas here (fall 2012) and here (fall 2011).  I cannot tell you how nice it was to have so much of these ready and waiting.

Sorting and matching.

Playing with fall sensory materials.

Making fall pictures with felt stickers.

Clothes Pin matching.

Hannah did the scarecrow puzzle.

Hannah practicing with tweezers.  Ethan making felt pumpkins.

These are quite the pumpkins Ethan.

Line drawing practice.

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